Presentation Slides

Click on the session titles in the list below to download the presentation slides from Counter Fraud 2024 | 22nd February | QEII Centre, London

Plenary Sessions

How Decision Intelligence and AI Can Help Better Address Fraud

  • Imam Hoque (Quantexa)


You Can Control It - But You Can Never Eradicate It

Nicola Furlong (SAS), Yolande Byrd (SAS)


Central Government

Fraud Strategy Update

Emma Merry (The UK Home Office)


An Update from the Serious Fraud Office on Recent Success and Future Risks

Marc Brown (Serious Fraud Office)



AI, Cyber and Data

Future Threats for Generative AI: An Opportunity for Bad Actors

Alexander Wood (Reform Courses)


What does AI mean in the Fraud Arena?

Richard Gentile (British Transport Police)


Public Sector Fraud Authority Data and Intelligence Service

Rich Wentel (Public Sector Fraud Authority)



Understanding Risks and Threats

The Right Governance to Tackle Fraud

Joshua Reddaway (National Audit Office)


PSFA Risk Threat and Prevention Service

Chris Freeman (Public Sector Fraud Authority)

Capability and Prevention

The Future of the Government Counter Fraud Profession

Mike Betts (Public Sector Fraud Authority)


Adapting and Building Digital Capability to Respond to a Changing Threat

Bozena Hillyer, Christine Caine & Gemma Brown (Department for Work and Pensions)



Protecting Against Fraud

Digital Economy Act Session

Michael Sowerby (Public Sector Fraud Authority), Jabeen Kamran (Public Sector Fraud Authority)


Effectively Using Open Source Company Accounts Data

Claire Jenkins (Companies House)


Local Government

Discussing the Rise of Tenancy Fraud

Stephanie Toghill (London Borough of Islington), Katrina Robinson (Tenancy Fraud Forum)


Case Study: London Wide Response Tackling The Risks Of Multiple Contract Fraud

Nathan Nash (Cabinet Office), Jamie Branch (London Borough of Waltham Forest)


Fight Fraud & Corruption Locally – Adult Social Care: Fraud Prevention Toolkit

Jonathan Dodsworth (Veritau)


Using Legislation, Technology and Collaboration to turn Data into Evidence

Bez Joy (Hertfordshire County Council), Sarah Cooper (NAFN)


Case Study: Investigating Large Scale Direct Payment Fraud

Clare Hudson (London Borough of Lambeth), Gary Perrin (London Borough Lambeth)




Seminar | Are they who they appear to be?

Paul Davies (Neuven Consult)


Seminar | Unlocking FWAE Savings

Kate Archer (DAC Beachcroft), Dr. Simon Peck (Kirontech), Omar Chebli (Kirontech)


Seminar | Discussion on Real-time Fraud Detection Using AI, Generative AI and Graph Neural Networks

Deepak Shukla (Amazon Web Services), Ed Towers (FCA), Aswini Dasika (DWP)


Seminar | Enhancing Fraud Prevention: Cracking the Shell Company Code

Ted Datta (Moody's Analytics)


Seminar | Ensuring Integrity in English Language Assessment: Combatting Fraud in High-Stakes Testing

Mickey Bonin (OET), Nadia Falou (OET)


Seminar | Deepfakes and Deception: Staying a Step Ahead of Identity Fraud

Simon Horswell (Onfido)


Seminar | Digital Advances You Can Use Right Now to Improve Fraud Investigations

Dave Sampson (Altia)


Seminar | Faster than the Speed of Fraud: How to Keep the Consumer Journey Simple and Secure in the Face of Evolving AI Threats

Traci Krepper (Experian), Tom Gadsden (Experian), Matthew Wynne (Mitek)


Seminar | How L4 Counter Fraud Investigator Apprenticeship is benefitting public sector departments to develop consistency in competence

Nick Atkinson (Intelligencia Training Limited), Ralph Cockburn (Intelligencia Training)

Seminar | The Power of Scrutiny: Leveraging Accounts Payable Reviews in Supplier Fraud Detection

Andrew Cushion (Twice2much)




A Strategic Collaboration – an Update on the NHSCFA Strategy 2023-26

Tricia Morrison (NHS Counter Fraud Authority)


The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023

Andrew Penhale (Crown Prosecution Service)


Data Analytics in Countering Fraud Across the NHS

George Cooke & David Dixon  (NHS Counter Fraud Authority)


The Gloucestershire Partnership

Paul Kerrod (Gloucestershire NHS Counter Fraud Service)


The Evolution of Counter Fraud Champions

Gareth Cottrell (Counter Fraud Champion, Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust)


Demonstrating The Value and Impact of Counter Fraud Work

Richard Rippin (NHS Counter Fraud Authority)


The Benefits of Collaboration and Data Sharing

Lavinia Ferguson Dean (NAFN)


Case study: Discussing Deterrents

Simon Hammond (NHS Resolution), Gerard Curran (Northern Lincolnshire & Goole Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)