Don't miss another Counter Fraud conference update
To ensure that our emails are recognised and land in the correct inbox, please be sure to add our @counterfraudconference.co.uk domain to your safe sender list by following these simple steps to amend your settings:
Outlook Desktop
Right-click our email in your Inbox email list pane
On the menu displayed move your mouse over or tap Junk
Click or tap on ‘Never block sender’ in the menu that rolls out
The resulting popup will say: ‘The sender of the selected message has been added to your Safe Senders List.’
Click ‘OK’
Outlook Web
Open the email from …
Click the “Wait it’s safe” link
Mark Sender as “Wait it’s safe!”
iPhone Mail App (iOS)
Open your mail app and scroll down to the Junk Folder
Find the email you’d like to whitelist and slide your finger left to see options
Tap the ‘More’ button, and then ‘Mark…’ button
Select “Mark as Not Junk”
This will then move the email to your Inbox and any mail from this address will go straight to your inbox and not your Junk
Google (G-suite)
Navigate to the spam folder
Search for emails containing the domain you wish to whitelist
Select all the emails shown
Click ‘More’ and then ‘Not spam’