Sponsor Assets
We have created some personalised banners for you to share with your networks over Whatsapp, social media or email. To access them, please click the link next to your company name below; if you do not see a link then please contact our Client Liaison team and send over your company logo.
Blackdot Solutions: https://app.gleanin.com/share/c/25049/e/de6046d2
Clue Software: https://app.gleanin.com/share/c/25049/e/v2636276
Intelligencia: https://app.gleanin.com/share/c/25049/e/rb55f880
Kessing Technologies: https://app.gleanin.com/share/c/25049/e/l946ee5c
mypensionID: https://app.gleanin.com/share/c/25049/e/kf21c70c
National Audit Office:
National Fraud Initiative: https://app.gleanin.com/share/c/25049/e/u947703a
WPC Software: https://app.gleanin.com/share/c/25049/e/i3c4b2a2